How To #3Pushing with Peng Strengthby Mike Sigman The only way to acquire good familiarity with peng is to constantly play with it, finding its uses and limitations. As you progress, you'll begin to find that there are less limitations than you thought; almost any move can be made using peng motivation in conjunction with whole-body connection. At first, in seeking to use the least muscular effort to propagate peng with movement, there are some basic ideas to keep in mind: use a reasonably wide stance, keep your weight on the back leg, sink the body down to point that the shoulder joint has the least tension, relax the lower back (so that it begins to bow slightly outward), and let the peng feel relaxedly compressed, not tensely extended. Once the ground path is firmly in place between the hand and the opposite back leg it's not difficult to straighten directly along the peng path for a forceful push. Don't raise straight up and don't let the hips go inward; straighten directly into the peng path.
Try opening doors with this arrangement as you walk slowly up
to them. Practice from various positions. Learn to compensate if
the shoulder angle is too acute by bringing the force from the
hip to the elbow; don't train yourself to push with shoulder
muscles. Eventually, those practitioners who are martially
inclined can learn to hit in this powerful manner that uses
little force. Places to go from here:
Page maintained by Ian Young; last change June 11, 2000. |