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Peng Article Index

Internal Strength magazine, published by Watercourse Publishing and edited by Mike Sigman, contained a number of articles written by Mike exploring the ideas of "peng" and "connection". As the original motivation for these articles was to make this material as widely available as possible, Mike has given his permission for these articles to be reproduced in this form.

"How To" Articles

  1. Peng and Connection: Physical Factors in Internal Strength
  2. Connection: The Other Side of Peng Strength
  3. Pushing with Peng Strength
  4. Pushing with Peng Strength #2
  5. Pushing with Peng #3: Conditioning
  6. Pushing: Front Leg and Back Leg

Training Tips

  1. The Components of Relaxing
  2. The Basic Components of "Standing Posture" Practice
  3. Using Peng and Connection with "Contradictory Strength"
  4. The Length Strength and Legs
  5. The Length Strength as a Frame
  6. Using the Waist

Places to go from here:

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Page maintained by Ian Young; last change June 11, 2000.